KLANGPHONICS • Techno. Live.
24Feb19:0023:00KLANGPHONICS • Techno. Live.
Event Details
KLANGPHONICS are a trio that produce and perform live electronic music. By using a combination of electronic elements and acoustic instruments they bridge the gap between producer and
Event Details
KLANGPHONICS are a trio that produce and perform live electronic music. By using a combination of electronic elements and acoustic instruments they bridge the gap between producer and live band. This results in a very natural, organic sound, whilst still retaining the energy associated with deep house and melodic techno.
Without the opportunity to play live, the trio used social media to reach their audience. Their videos, in which they play well known techno and house songs with acoustic instruments, have been viewed by millions and gained the approval of well known producers such as Ben Böhmer, Boris Brejcha and Victor Ruiz, amongst others.
KLANGPHONICS can now finally bring their distinctive form of live techno music to venues around Europe and perform their music in the context for which it was always intended. Acoustic meets electronic, producer meets band, concert meets club night.
Maxl Walmsley Pledl – Guitar, Synths & Production
Ben Kopfnagel – Drums & Percussion
Markus Zunic – Synths & Percussion
Klangphonics ist ein Elektro/Techno-Live-Act (inkl. u.a. Live-Drums & Gitarre) aus Regensburg / Deutschland, der gerade weltweit durchstartet und wohl sehr bald höhere Kapazitäten bespielen wird. Spätestens mit einer üppigen Abendkasse ist aktuell fast jeder Termin ausverkauft.
Ca. 10 000 neue Instagram-Follower wöchentlich (!) und TikTok-Videos mit fast 2 Millionen Aufrufen bestätigen den Trend.
Das Trio gehört aktuell zu den meist gehypten elektronischen Live-Act-Newcomern der Welt, was durch ausverkaufte Konzerte und immer weiter wachsende Social Media-Zahlen belegt wird. Auch kassierten sie gerade die ersten öffentlichen Props aus der Szene, u.a. von Ben Böhmer, Boris Brejcha oder Victor Ruiz.
24. Februar 2023 19:00 - 23:00(GMT+01:00)
Westbahnhof 13
KufA Haus - Braunschweig
Für Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität geeignet